The days of silver fillings calling attention to themselves are over. Unlike traditional dark metal amalgam fillings, we can custom-color composite fillings in Harrisonburg that match the shade of your teeth, blending wonderfully into your smile and restoring both function and aesthetics. These fillings, often called “tooth-colored fillings,” precisely match your tooth’s color. They require less surface area than outdated amalgam fillings, preserving more of your tooth’s structure. These fillings are durable, long-lasting, discreet, and nearly invisible in your mouth. Trust our Harrisonburg restorative dentistry services for composite dental fillings to maintain your smile’s health and beauty.
When you need a crown or bridge in Harrisonburg, our office offers versatile solutions for various oral health concerns that enhance your smile’s appearance. Dental crowns are custom-made coverings that cover damaged or decayed teeth, restoring their shape, size, strength, and aesthetics while preventing further damage. They also support dental bridges and protect weak teeth. When it comes to crowns, our in-office CEREC technology can complete the whole process in one visit. Dental bridges in Harrisonburg replace one or more missing teeth by anchoring artificial teeth to nearby healthy teeth. Bridges restore natural chewing and speaking abilities, prevent tooth shifting, and enhance your smile’s appearance. Our crowns and bridges provide functional and aesthetic benefits, ensuring your smile stays healthy.
Whether you need to replace a substantial section of teeth or even your entire upper or lower set, we can provide dentures in Harrisonburg, perfectly fitted to the contours of your mouth, that look like they’ve always been part of your smile. Depending on your situation, Smallwood Dental Solutions in Harrisonburg offers full dentures and partials. For comprehensive tooth replacement, full dentures restore either the upper or lower sets of teeth, encompassing a whole row of teeth or all teeth in your mouth. If you have some healthy teeth remaining, consider partial dentures. Partial dentures replace specific tooth sections, can be attached to existing, healthy teeth, and may be removable. We can discuss traditional dentures and even dentures anchored in place using dental implant technology.
There are several options for replacing lost teeth, but none are more durable than dental implants in Harrisonburg. Dental implants are the best solution for tooth replacement that will be as close to your natural teeth as possible. The process starts with referring you to an oral surgeon who fits you with a titanium post screwed into your jaw. Later, we will create a custom-molded, custom-colored crown using a connector called an “abutment,” which will fit the crown over the post for firm positioning that provides the functionality of a natural tooth.
At Smallwood Dental Solutions, we know root canals in Harrisonburg might sound scary, but we promise they’re not as bad as they seem. Our main goal is to get you out of pain and address advanced root and nerve damage and decay that may be present. Root canal therapy helps rescue severely damaged or infected teeth. Beneath the tooth’s surface lies a complex system of nerves and blood vessels called the pulp. Infection from decay, cracks, or trauma can lead to intense pain and tooth loss. We remove the infected or inflamed pulp during the procedure, thoroughly clean, and seal the tooth’s interior. Afterward, a crown or filling is placed to restore functionality, allowing you to return to your regular activities with a healthier, pain-free smile. At Smallwood Dental Solutions, we prioritize your oral health and overall well-being by providing effective solutions.
Sometimes, a decaying or damaged tooth is beyond saving and needs to be removed. While it’s typically a last-resort tooth extraction in Harrisonburg can bring significant relief to those experiencing pain. If you’ve got a troublesome tooth that’s causing you pain or discomfort, Dr. Smallwood can help. An extraction is usually a quick process, and we’re here to ensure you’re comfortable at every step. Once your tooth is out, you might feel some mild soreness, but that’s totally normal and temporary. We’ll give you all the aftercare instructions to ensure a smooth recovery. Depending on the situation’s complexity, we will either handle the extraction here in the office or refer you to an oral surgeon.
CEREC technology in Harrisonburg is a remarkable advancement in dentistry, revolutionizing how we create crowns. Unlike the traditional two-visit process, CEREC enables us to craft custom porcelain crowns right here in our office on the day you come in. Say goodbye to temporary crowns and the inconvenience of multiple appointments! With CEREC, you can enjoy the convenience of having a strong, tailor-made crown fitted during a single visit. This technology saves you time and ensures that your dental care is efficient and top-notch, leaving you with a beautiful, long-lasting smile in no time.